Ida von SachsenAge: 76 years1025–1101
- Name
- Ida von Sachsen
Birth | estimated as 25 years prior to marriage about 1025 14 14 |
Birth of a sister | Gertrud von Sachsen between 1028 and 1035 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Gerberga von Henneberg after 1036 (Age 11 years) |
Marriage | Frédéric II. de Luxembourg — View this family about 1050 (Age 25 years) |
Death of a mother | Eilika von Schweinfurt 1056 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a father | Bernhard II. von Sachsen June 29, 1059 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a husband | Frédéric II. de Luxembourg August 28, 1065 (Age 40 years) |
Death of a brother | Ordulf von Sachsen March 28, 1072 (Age 47 years) |
Death | July 31, 1101 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Bernhard II. von Sachsen Birth: 1011 71 43 Death: June 29, 1059 |
mother |
Eilika von Schweinfurt Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1011 31 22 Death: 1056 |
Marriage: — |
younger sister |
Gertrud von Sachsen Birth: between 1028 and 1035 17 17 Death: August 4, 1113 |
-7 years elder brother |
Ordulf von Sachsen Birth: 1022 11 11 Death: March 28, 1072 |
6 years herself |
Ida von Sachsen Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1025 14 14 Death: July 31, 1101 |
Family with Frédéric II. de Luxembourg |
husband |
Frédéric II. de Luxembourg Birth: Wiki german has as father Friedrich II. de Bar+1026 — about 1005 40 33 Death: Wiki german has 1026 — August 28, 1065 |
herself |
Ida von Sachsen Birth: estimated as 25 years prior to marriage — about 1025 14 14 Death: July 31, 1101 |
Marriage: about 1050 — |
Frédéric II. de Luxembourg + Geberga de Boulogne |
husband |
Frédéric II. de Luxembourg Birth: Wiki german has as father Friedrich II. de Bar+1026 — about 1005 40 33 Death: Wiki german has 1026 — August 28, 1065 |
husband’s wife |
Geberga de Boulogne Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1022 20 20 Death: 1049 |
Marriage: — |
step-daughter |
Jutta de Luxembourg Birth: about 1045 40 23 |