Christine Margarete von MecklenburgAge: 51 years1615–1666
- Name
- Christine Margarete von Mecklenburg
Birth | 1615 24 31 |
Death of a mother | Margarete Elisabeth von Mecklenburg 1616 (Age 12 months) |
Marriage of a parent | Johann Albercht von Mecklenburg — Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel — View this family March 26, 1618 (Age 3 years) |
Marriage of a parent | Johann Albercht von Mecklenburg — Eleonore Marie von Anhalt-Bernburg — View this family May 7, 1626 (Age 11 years) |
Birth of a half-brother | Gustav Adolph von Mecklenburg-Güstrow February 26, 1633 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a husband | Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg June 10, 1642 (Age 27 years) |
Death | 1666 (Age 51 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Albercht von Mecklenburg Birth: May 5, 1590 — Waren Death: April 23, 1682 — Güstrow |
mother |
Margarete Elisabeth von Mecklenburg Birth: 1584 Death: 1616 |
Marriage: October 9, 1608 — |
7 years herself |
Christine Margarete von Mecklenburg Birth: 1615 24 31 Death: 1666 |
-16 months elder sister |
Sophie Elisabeth von Mecklenburg Birth: August 20, 1613 23 29 Death: July 2, 1767 |
Father’s family with Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel |
father |
Johann Albercht von Mecklenburg Birth: May 5, 1590 — Waren Death: April 23, 1682 — Güstrow |
step-mother |
Elisabeth von Hessen-Kassel Birth: 1596 24 18 Death: 1625 |
Marriage: March 26, 1618 — |
Father’s family with Eleonore Marie von Anhalt-Bernburg |
father |
Johann Albercht von Mecklenburg Birth: May 5, 1590 — Waren Death: April 23, 1682 — Güstrow |
step-mother |
Eleonore Marie von Anhalt-Bernburg Birth: 1600 31 21 Death: 1657 |
Marriage: May 7, 1626 — |
7 years half-brother |
Gustav Adolph von Mecklenburg-Güstrow Birth: February 26, 1633 42 33 Death: October 6, 1695 |
Family with Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg |
husband |
Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: October 31, 1598 51 32 Death: June 10, 1642 — Schweidnitz, Schlesien, Germany |
herself |
Christine Margarete von Mecklenburg Birth: 1615 24 31 Death: 1666 |