Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-LauenburgAge: 43 years1598–1642
- Name
- Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg
Birth | October 31, 1598 51 32 |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Hedwig von Brandenburg October 21, 1602 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a mother | Maria von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel 1626 (Age 27 years) |
Death of a brother | Franz Julius von Sachsen-Lauenburg 1634 (Age 35 years) |
Death | June 10, 1642 (Age 43 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Franz II. von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: August 10, 1547 7 32 — Ratzeburg, Lauenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
mother |
Maria von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Birth: 1566 37 25 Death: 1626 |
Marriage: November 10, 1582 — |
16 years himself |
Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: October 31, 1598 51 32 Death: June 10, 1642 — Schweidnitz, Schlesien, Germany |
-14 years elder brother |
Franz Julius von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1584 36 18 Death: 1634 |
3 years elder brother |
Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1586 38 20 Death: 1665 |
Father’s family with Margarete von Pommern |
father |
Franz II. von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: August 10, 1547 7 32 — Ratzeburg, Lauenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
step-mother |
Margarete von Pommern Birth: 1553 25 Death: 1581 |
Marriage: September 26, 1574 — Wolgast, Ostvorpommern, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany |
2 years half-brother |
August von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: February 17, 1577 29 24 — Ratzeburg, Lauenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany Death: January 18, 1656 — Lauenburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
Family with Christine Margarete von Mecklenburg |
himself |
Franz Albrecht von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: October 31, 1598 51 32 Death: June 10, 1642 — Schweidnitz, Schlesien, Germany |
wife |
Christine Margarete von Mecklenburg Birth: 1615 24 31 Death: 1666 |