Anna von OstfrieslandAge: 58 years1562–1621
- Name
- Anna von Ostfriesland
Birth | May 26, 1562 29 22 |
Marriage | Ernst Friedrich von Baden-Durlach — View this family December 21, 1585 (Age 23 years) |
Death of a father | Edzard II. von Ostfriesland March 1, 1599 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a husband | Ernst Friedrich von Baden-Durlach April 14, 1604 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a mother | Katharina Wasa December 21, 1610 (Age 48 years) |
Marriage | Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg — View this family 1617 (Age 54 years) |
Death | April 21, 1621 (Age 58 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Edzard II. von Ostfriesland Birth: June 24, 1532 25 25 — colorado Death: March 1, 1599 — Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germany |
mother |
Katharina Wasa Birth: June 6, 1539 43 23 — Stockholm, Jämtland, Sweden Death: December 21, 1610 — Burg Berum |
Marriage: 1559 — |
3 years herself |
Anna von Ostfriesland Birth: May 26, 1562 29 22 Death: April 21, 1621 |
Family with Ernst Friedrich von Baden-Durlach |
husband |
Ernst Friedrich von Baden-Durlach Birth: October 17, 1560 31 19 Death: April 14, 1604 |
herself |
Anna von Ostfriesland Birth: May 26, 1562 29 22 Death: April 21, 1621 |
Marriage: December 21, 1585 — |
Family with Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg |
husband |
Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1586 38 20 Death: 1665 |
herself |
Anna von Ostfriesland Birth: May 26, 1562 29 22 Death: April 21, 1621 |
Marriage: 1617 — |
Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg + Elisabeth Sophie von Brandenburg |
husband |
Julius Heinrich von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1586 38 20 Death: 1665 |
husband’s wife |
Elisabeth Sophie von Brandenburg Birth: July 4, 1589 63 26 — Berlin, Berlin, Germany Death: December 24, 1629 — Frankfurt an der Oder; Brandenburg, Germany |
Marriage: February 27, 1628 — |
22 months step-child |
Franz Erdmann von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1629 43 39 Death: 1666 |