Elisabeth de VermandoisAge: 40 years1143–1183
- Name
- Elisabeth de Vermandois
Birth | about 1143 58 18 |
Birth of a brother | Raoul II. de Vermandois 1145 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a sister | Éléonore de Vermandois between 1148 and 1149 (Age 5 years) |
Death of a father | Raoul I. de Vermandois October 13, 1152 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a mother | Pétronille d'Aquitaine about 1152 (Age 9 years) |
Marriage | Philip van Vlaanderen — View this family no children 1159 (Age 16 years) |
Death of a brother | Raoul II. de Vermandois June 17, 1167 (Age 24 years) |
Death | March 28, 1183 (Age 40 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Raoul I. de Vermandois Birth: between 1085 and 1094 28 23 Death: October 13, 1152 |
mother |
Pétronille d'Aquitaine Birth: about 1125 26 Death: about 1152 |
Marriage: 1142 — |
4 years younger brother |
Raoul II. de Vermandois Birth: Lèpre (leprosy) — 1145 60 20 Death: leprosy — June 17, 1167 |
-17 years younger sister |
Éléonore de Vermandois Birth: or 14 Oct 1152 — between 1148 and 1149 63 23 Death: June 1213 |
17 years herself |
Elisabeth de Vermandois Birth: about 1143 58 18 Death: March 28, 1183 |
Father’s family with Laureta van Vlaanderen |
father |
Raoul I. de Vermandois Birth: between 1085 and 1094 28 23 Death: October 13, 1152 |
step-mother |
Laureta van Vlaanderen Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1102 2 Death: 1175 |
Father’s family with Éléonore de Blois |
father |
Raoul I. de Vermandois Birth: between 1085 and 1094 28 23 Death: October 13, 1152 |
step-mother |
Éléonore de Blois Birth: estimated as prior to marriage by 20 years — about 1100 |
Marriage: between 1120 and 1141 — |
Family with Philip van Vlaanderen |
husband |
Philip van Vlaanderen Birth: 1142 Death: June 1, 1191 — Akko, Palestine |
herself |
Elisabeth de Vermandois Birth: about 1143 58 18 Death: March 28, 1183 |
Marriage: 1159 — |
Philip van Vlaanderen + Theresa de Portugal |
husband |
Philip van Vlaanderen Birth: 1142 Death: June 1, 1191 — Akko, Palestine |
husband’s wife |
Theresa de Portugal Birth: 1156 46 35 Death: 1218 |