Maria del MonferratoAge: 20 years1192–1212
- Name
- Maria del Monferrato
Maria of Jerusalem; Maria de Montferrat
- Name
- Maria of Jerusalem; Maria de Montferrat
- Type
- also known as
Birth | 1192 46 20 |
Death of a father | Corrado di Montferrato April 28, 1192 |
Death of a mother | Isabella I. of Jerusalem April 5, 1205 (Age 13 years) |
Death | 1212 (Age 20 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Corrado di Montferrato Birth: about 1146 31 29 Death: assassinated — April 28, 1192 — Tyrus) |
mother |
Isabella I. of Jerusalem Birth: 1172 Death: April 5, 1205 |
Marriage: November 24, 1190 — |
2 years herself |
Maria del Monferrato Birth: 1192 46 20 Death: 1212 |
Mother’s family with Humphrey IV. of Toron |
step-father |
Humphrey IV. of Toron Birth: about 1160 Death: 1198 |
mother |
Isabella I. of Jerusalem Birth: 1172 Death: April 5, 1205 |
Marriage: between October 1183 and 1190 — Kerak Castle |
Family with John of Brienne |
husband |
John of Brienne Birth: about 1170 29 20 Death: March 27, 1237 |
herself |
Maria del Monferrato Birth: 1192 46 20 Death: 1212 |
John of Brienne + Berengaria de León |
husband |
John of Brienne Birth: about 1170 29 20 Death: March 27, 1237 |
husband’s wife |
Berengaria de León Birth: about 1204 32 23 |
Marriage: 1224 — |