Ferdinand IV. de CastillaAge: 28 years1284–1312
- Name
- Ferdinand IV. de Castilla
Birth | 1284 25 26 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Alfonso X. el Sabio de Castilla April 4, 1284 |
Birth of a sister | Beatrice de Castilla March 8, 1293 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a father | Sancho IV. el Bravo de Castilla April 25, 1295 (Age 11 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Yolanda de Aragon 1301 (Age 17 years) |
Death | 1312 (Age 28 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Sancho IV. el Bravo de Castilla Birth: May 12, 1258 36 22 Death: April 25, 1295 — Toledo, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain |
mother |
María de Molina Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1258 |
Marriage: 1282 — |
11 years younger sister |
Beatrice de Castilla Birth: March 8, 1293 34 35 — Toro, Orense, Galicia, Spain Death: October 24, 1359 |
-8 years himself |
Ferdinand IV. de Castilla Birth: 1284 25 26 Death: 1312 |
Isabelle de Castille Birth: 1283 24 25 Death: 1328 |
Father’s family with María Alfonso Téllez de Menezes |
father |
Sancho IV. el Bravo de Castilla Birth: May 12, 1258 36 22 Death: April 25, 1295 — Toledo, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain |
step-mother |
María Alfonso Téllez de Menezes Birth: estimated as equal to partner's birth year — about 1258 |
Marriage: — |
Father’s family with an unknown individual |
father |
Sancho IV. el Bravo de Castilla Birth: May 12, 1258 36 22 Death: April 25, 1295 — Toledo, Toledo, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain |
Marriage: — |
Family with Constança de Portugal |
himself |
Ferdinand IV. de Castilla Birth: 1284 25 26 Death: 1312 |
wife |
Constança de Portugal Birth: January 3, 1290 28 19 Death: November 18, 1813 |