Charlotte Dorothea WiederholdAge: 64 years1800–1864
- Name
- Charlotte Dorothea Wiederhold
Birth | 1800 25 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Wilhelmine Friederike Juliane Reckleben 1818 (Age 18 years) |
Marriage | Johann Andreas Reckleben — View this family 1820 (Age 20 years) |
Marriage of a child | Carl Joseph Wilhelm Blankenburg — Wilhelmine Friederike Juliane Reckleben — View this family 1851 (Age 51 years) |
Death | 1864 (Age 64 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Karl Wilhelm Wiederhold Birth: parentage assigned due to profession, father's move from Hessen to Oberweser — about 1775 38 39 |
elder brother |
Christian Friederich Achelius Wiederhold Birth: I had 11 Feb 1796, other CFAW, AW had 1795. Achelius is water from a holy river — December 31, 1795 20 — Königsberg, Nordhausen, Thüringen, Germany Death: 1871 — Haferungen, Nordhausen, Thüringen, Germany |
5 years herself |
Charlotte Dorothea Wiederhold Birth: 1800 25 Death: 1864 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany |
Family with Johann Andreas Reckleben |
husband |
Johann Andreas Reckleben Birth: 1796 25 25 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany Death: 1876 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany |
herself |
Charlotte Dorothea Wiederhold Birth: 1800 25 Death: 1864 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany |
Marriage: 1820 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany |
-1 years daughter |
Wilhelmine Friederike Juliane Reckleben Birth: 1818 22 18 — Thale, Harz, Sachsen-Anhaltt, Germany Death: 1885 — Sülldorf, Sülzetal, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany |