Beatus Wilhelm GöschlingAge: 42 years1683–1725
- Name
- Beatus Wilhelm Göschling
Birth | estimated a gap of 25 years about 1683 |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Maria Margarethe Göschling about 1704 (Age 21 years) |
Birth of a daughter #2 | n Göschling about 1706 (Age 23 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Anna Elisabeth Göschling 1708 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Anna Magdalena Göschling about 1710 (Age 27 years) |
Occupation | Leutnant (lieutenant) b.d. und Zeughaus Büchsenmacher (gunsmith) |
Alfred W. Generation | |
Death | before 1725 (Age 42 years) |
Family with Anna Katharina n |
himself |
Beatus Wilhelm Göschling Birth: estimated a gap of 25 years — about 1683 Death: before 1725 |
wife |
Anna Katharina n Birth: name derived as godmother to grarddaughter; DoB estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1683 Death: after 1745 |
daughter |
Maria Margarethe Göschling Birth: Name assumed as godmother to niece, estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1704 21 21 |
3 years daughter |
n Göschling Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1706 23 23 |
3 years daughter |
Anna Elisabeth Göschling Birth: computed by Alfred Wiederhold — 1708 25 25 Death: about June 27, 1750 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |
3 years daughter |
Anna Magdalena Göschling Birth: estimated as close to sibling(s) — about 1710 27 27 |