Johann Justus WiederholdAge: 2 years1755–1758
- Name
- Johann Justus Wiederhold
Birth | November 10, 1755 36 36 |
Birth of a sister | Luise Karoline Wiederhold October 25, 1757 (Age 23 months) |
Alfred W. Generation | |
Death | short-lived March 23, 1758 (Age 2 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Adam Friedrich Wiederhold Birth: baptismal date — June 11, 1719 32 33 — Hesserode, Schwalm; Hessen, Germany Death: June 19, 1760 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
mother |
Johanna Margarethe Schmidt Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1719 26 26 |
Marriage: June 27, 1752 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
7 months elder sister |
Katharina Wilhelmine Wiederhold Birth: January 12, 1753 33 34 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
3 years himself |
Johann Justus Wiederhold Birth: November 10, 1755 36 36 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany Death: short-lived — March 23, 1758 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
23 months younger sister |
Luise Karoline Wiederhold Birth: October 25, 1757 38 38 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany Death: short-lived — August 18, 1758 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
9 months younger sister |
Magdalena Elisabeth Wiederhold Birth: August 2, 1758 39 39 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |
Mother’s family with Jakob Leonhard Stausebach |
step-father |
Jakob Leonhard Stausebach Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1719 |
mother |
Johanna Margarethe Schmidt Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1719 26 26 |
Marriage: August 22, 1766 — Louisendorf, Kreis Frankenberg, Germany |