Karl Gustav WiederholdAge: 3 years1788–1791
- Name
- Karl Gustav Wiederhold
Birth | about April 5, 1788 32 |
Death of a father | Johann Konrad II Wiederhold between 16 and September 22, 1795 |
Death of a mother | Christine Magdalene Schõnickel between 14 and April 20, 1826 |
Alfred W. Generation | |
Death | short-lived about August 20, 1791 (Age 3 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Johann Konrad II Wiederhold Birth: Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: between 16 and September 22, 1795 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |
mother |
Christine Magdalene Schõnickel Birth: computed by Alfred Wiederhold — 1756 25 Death: between 14 and April 20, 1826 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |
Marriage: between 7 and November 13, 1787 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |
1,781 years himself |
Karl Gustav Wiederhold Birth: about April 5, 1788 32 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: short-lived — about August 20, 1791 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |
4 years younger brother |
Wilhelm Christian Gustav Wiederhold Birth: about September 15, 1792 36 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany Death: about October 15, 1822 — Kassel, Hessen, Germany |