Johannes Erich Günther WiederholdAge: 86 years1901–1988
- Name
- Johannes Erich Günther Wiederhold
Hannes Wiederhold
- Name
- Hannes Wiederhold
- Type
- also known as
Birth | September 29, 1901 28 23 |
Birth | |
Education | 1936 Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Carl Gottlob Emil Habermann October 14, 1901 (Age 15 days) |
Birth of a brother | Günther Kurt Wiederhold January 19, 1903 (Age 15 months) |
Birth of a brother | Hubert Karl Wiederhold May 9, 1912 (Age 10 years) |
Death of a paternal grandmother | Anna Marie Louise Droz November 4, 1912 (Age 11 years) |
Degree | Abitur in Oberealschule Oberurel 1919 (Age 17 years) |
Location | father stopped support, moved to Sousterain (basement room) of Giersberg in Beethovenstr. about 1930 (Age 28 years)Source: Details: Details: Notes from visits in 2000 |
Occupation | worked for Hereus chemicals in Hanau 1932 (Age 30 years) |
Residence | 1932 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Friederike Elisabeth Bõhm October 13, 1934 (Age 33 years) |
Occupation | Lehrer (teacher) in the Odenwaldschule, Chemiker (chemical engineer} between 1934 and 1940 (Age 32 years) |
Occupation | worked for Degesch as factory-exterminator 1936 (Age 34 years) |
Travel | 1936 (Age 34 years) |
Death of a brother | Günther Kurt Wiederhold 1945 (Age 43 years) |
Marriage | Anneliese Ilse Handke — View this family about 1948 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a father | Erich Wilhelm Wiederhold August 24, 1948 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a mother | Clara Gertrude Elisabeth Habermann August 9, 1957 (Age 55 years) |
Alfred W. Generation | |
Note | |
Death | buried in the Melaten Friedhof, Köln, Germany. June 4, 1988 (Age 86 years) |
Burial | June 10, 1988 (6 days after death) |
Burial |
Family with parents |
father |
Erich Wilhelm Wiederhold Birth: baptismal date 19 jan 1873 — November 1, 1872 40 26 — Insterburg, Ostpreußen, Germany Death: 1947 per Alfred W. — August 24, 1948 — Oberursel, Hessen, Germany |
mother |
Clara Gertrude Elisabeth Habermann Birth: July 15, 1878 37 29 — Nieder Hermsdorf, Waldenburg, Nieder Schlesien, Germany Death: August 9, 1957 — Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany |
Marriage: October 5, 1900 — Gõrlitz, Schlesien, Germany |
1 year himself |
Johannes Erich Günther Wiederhold Birth: September 29, 1901 28 23 — Eschersheim, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Death: buried in the Melaten Friedhof, Köln, Germany. — June 4, 1988 — Germignaga, Luino, Varese, Italy |
16 months younger brother |
Günther Kurt Wiederhold Birth: January 19, 1903 30 24 — Eschersheim, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Death: prisoner of war — 1945 — Nikolajew, Ukraine, USSR |
9 years younger brother |
Hubert Karl Wiederhold Birth: May 9, 1912 39 33 — Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Death: January 25, 2003 — Augsburg, Bayern, Germany |
Family with Anneliese Ilse Handke |
himself |
Johannes Erich Günther Wiederhold Birth: September 29, 1901 28 23 — Eschersheim, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Death: buried in the Melaten Friedhof, Köln, Germany. — June 4, 1988 — Germignaga, Luino, Varese, Italy |
wife |
Anneliese Ilse Handke Birth: spll name — October 2, 1909 — Chemnitz, Sachsen, Germany Death: July 14, 2000 — Köln, Germany |
Marriage: about 1948 — Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany |
Family with Cornelié Eugenié Tuybens |
himself |
Johannes Erich Günther Wiederhold Birth: September 29, 1901 28 23 — Eschersheim, Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany Death: buried in the Melaten Friedhof, Köln, Germany. — June 4, 1988 — Germignaga, Luino, Varese, Italy |
wife |
Cornelié Eugenié Tuybens Birth: August 27, 1913 39 27 — Tasikmalaya, Java, Netherlands East Indies Death: ashes spread at sea by the Golden Gate — April 30, 2002 — San Francisco, California, USA |
son |
Private |
Private + Anneliese Ilse Handke |
wife’s husband |
Private |
wife |
Anneliese Ilse Handke Birth: spll name — October 2, 1909 — Chemnitz, Sachsen, Germany Death: July 14, 2000 — Köln, Germany |
step-son |
Klaus Dietze Birth: April 8, 1930 20 — Dresden, Sachsen, Germany Death: April 28, 2019 — Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany |
Nicolo Domenico Longo + Cornelié Eugenié Tuybens |
wife’s husband |
Nicolo Domenico Longo Birth: January 18, 1913 — Manhattan, New York, New York, USA Death: October 2, 1962 — Albany, Albany, New York, USA |
wife |
Cornelié Eugenié Tuybens Birth: August 27, 1913 39 27 — Tasikmalaya, Java, Netherlands East Indies Death: ashes spread at sea by the Golden Gate — April 30, 2002 — San Francisco, California, USA |
Marriage: May 1955 — Jacarta, Indonesia |
Location | Details: Details: Notes from visits in 2000 |