Otto II. von ZütphenAge: 68 years1045–1113
- Name
- Otto II. von Zütphen
Birth | about 1045 30 23 |
Death of a mother | Adelheid von Zütphen after 1059 (Age 14 years) |
Death of a father | Gottschalk van Twente between 1063 and 1064 (Age 18 years) |
Marriage | Judith von Süpplinburg — View this family about 1090 (Age 45 years) |
Death | 1113 (Age 68 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Gottschalk van Twente Birth: about 1015 20 Death: between 1063 and 1064 |
mother |
Adelheid von Zütphen Birth: about 1022 29 27 Death: after 1059 |
himself |
Otto II. von Zütphen Birth: about 1045 30 23 Death: 1113 |
Family with Judith von Süpplinburg |
himself |
Otto II. von Zütphen Birth: about 1045 30 23 Death: 1113 |
wife |
Judith von Süpplinburg Birth: about 1074 17 16 Death: after 1113 |
Marriage: about 1090 — |