Dorothea von Sachsen-LauenburgAge: 60 years1511–1571
- Name
- Dorothea von Sachsen-Lauenburg
Family with parents |
father |
Magnus I. von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: January 1, 1470 30 Death: August 1, 1543 |
mother |
Katharina von Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Birth: 1488 24 23 Death: June 29, 1563 — Neuhaus, Celle, Niedersachsen, Germany |
Marriage: November 20, 1509 — Wolfenbüttel |
4 years younger sister |
Katharina von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: September 24, 1513 43 25 Death: September 23, 1535 |
27 years younger brother |
Franz I. von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1540 70 52 |
14 years younger sister |
Ursula von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1553 83 65 Death: 1577 — Minden |
-41 years herself |
Dorothea von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1511 41 23 Death: 1571 |
Family with Christian III. af Danmark |
husband |
Christian III. af Danmark Birth: August 12, 1503 31 16 — Gottorf Death: January 1, 1559 — Koldinghus |
herself |
Dorothea von Sachsen-Lauenburg Birth: 1511 41 23 Death: 1571 |
son |
Johann der Jüngere von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg Birth: March 25, 1545 41 34 — Haldersleben. Ohrekreis, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany Death: October 9, 1622 — Glücksburg, Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany |
-11 years son |
Frederik II. af Danmark Birth: July 1, 1534 30 23 Death: April 4, 1588 |
12 years daughter |
Dorothea af Danmark Birth: June 29, 1546 42 35 — Koldinghus Death: January 6, 1617 — Winsen (Luhe) |