Beatriz de PortugalAge: 76 years1430–1506
- Name
- Beatriz de Portugal
Birth | June 13, 1430 30 30 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | João I. de Portugal August 14, 1433 (Age 3 years) |
Death of a father | João de Portugal October 18, 1442 (Age 12 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Afonso de Barcelos December 15, 1461 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Manuel I. o Venturoso de Portugal May 31, 1469 (Age 38 years) |
Death of a sister | Isabella de Portugal 1496 (Age 65 years) |
Occupation | infanta |
Alfred W. Generation | many more relationships |
Death | September 30, 1506 (Age 76 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
João de Portugal Birth: January 13, 1400 42 39 Death: October 18, 1442 |
mother |
Isabella de Barcelos Birth: estimated as equal to husband's birth year — about 1400 22 20 |
Marriage: 1424 — |
6 years herself |
Beatriz de Portugal Birth: June 13, 1430 30 30 Death: September 30, 1506 |
-17 months elder sister |
Isabella de Portugal Birth: 1428 27 28 Death: 1496 |
Family with Ferdinand of Viseu |
husband |
Ferdinand of Viseu Birth: estimated as equal to wife's birth year — about 1430 25 |
herself |
Beatriz de Portugal Birth: June 13, 1430 30 30 Death: September 30, 1506 |
son |
Manuel I. o Venturoso de Portugal Birth: May 31, 1469 39 38 — Alcochete Death: December 15, 1521 |