Catherine of LancasterAge: 45 years1373–1418
- Name
- Catherine of Lancaster
Catalina de Lancaster
- Name
- Catalina de Lancaster
- Type
- also known as
Birth | March 31, 1373 33 19 |
Birth of a half-brother | John Beaufort between 1371 and 1373 |
Death of a paternal grandfather | Edward III. of England June 21, 1377 (Age 4 years) |
Death of a mother | Constance de Castilla 1394 (Age 20 years) |
Marriage of a parent | John of Gaunt — Catherine Swynford — View this family 1396 (Age 22 years) |
Death of a father | John of Gaunt February 3, 1399 (Age 25 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | Juan II. de Castilla March 6, 1405 (Age 31 years) |
Death of a husband | Enrique III. el Doliente de Castilla December 25, 1406 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a half-brother | John Beaufort March 16, 1410 (Age 36 years) |
Death of a half-brother | Henry IV. of England March 20, 1413 (Age 39 years) |
Death of a half-sister | Philippa of Lancaster July 19, 1415 (Age 42 years) |
Death | June 2, 1418 (Age 45 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
John of Gaunt Birth: March 6, 1340 27 25 Death: February 3, 1399 |
mother |
Constance de Castilla Birth: 1354 19 20 Death: 1394 |
herself |
Catherine of Lancaster Birth: March 31, 1373 33 19 — Hertford, Hertfordshire, England Death: June 2, 1418 |
Father’s family with Catherine Swynford |
father |
John of Gaunt Birth: March 6, 1340 27 25 Death: February 3, 1399 |
step-mother |
Catherine Swynford Birth: about 1350 Death: May 10, 1403 |
Marriage: 1396 — |
-26 years half-sister |
Joan Beaufort Birth: legitemized, DoB estimated as close to sibling — about 1369 28 19 |
5 years half-brother |
John Beaufort Birth: pre-marital birth, or 1404, legitimized 1396,1397 — between 1371 and 1373 30 21 — Montmorency-Beaufort, Champagne, France Death: also given as 1444 — March 16, 1410 |
Father’s family with Blanche of Lancaster |
father |
John of Gaunt Birth: March 6, 1340 27 25 Death: February 3, 1399 |
step-mother |
Blanche of Lancaster Birth: March 25, 1342 Death: September 12, 1368 — Tutbury Castle |
Marriage: May 19, 1359 — Reading Abbey, Reading, England |
8 years half-brother |
Henry IV. of England Birth: April 15, 1367 27 25 Death: March 20, 1413 |
-7 years half-sister |
Philippa of Lancaster Birth: March 31, 1360 20 18 — Leicester, Leicestershire, England Death: July 19, 1415 — Sacavém, Portugal |
Family with Enrique III. el Doliente de Castilla |
husband |
Enrique III. el Doliente de Castilla Birth: October 4, 1379 21 21 Death: December 25, 1406 |
herself |
Catherine of Lancaster Birth: March 31, 1373 33 19 — Hertford, Hertfordshire, England Death: June 2, 1418 |
son |
Juan II. de Castilla Birth: March 6, 1405 25 31 Death: July 20, 1454 |