Henry StaffordAge: 46 years1425–1471
- Name
- Henry Stafford
Birth | about 1425 22 17 |
Marriage | Margeret Beaufort — View this family marriage required a dispensation. no childrem yes |
Birth of a brother | Humphrey Stafford about 1425 |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Ralph Neville October 21, 1425 |
Death of a brother | Humphrey Stafford May 22, 1458 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a father | Humphrey Stafford July 10, 1460 (Age 35 years) |
Death | from battle wounds 1471 (Age 46 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Humphrey Stafford Birth: December 1402 — Stafford, Staffordshire, England Death: in battle — July 10, 1460 — Northampton, Northamptonshire |
mother |
Anne Neville Birth: 1408 44 39 Death: 1480 |
Marriage: before October 1424 — |
15 months twin brother |
Humphrey Stafford Birth: about 1425 22 17 Death: May 22, 1458 |
1 year himself |
Henry Stafford Birth: about 1425 22 17 Death: from battle wounds — 1471 |
Mother’s family with Walter Blount |
step-father |
Walter Blount Birth: about 1416 38 25 Death: August 1, 1474 |
mother |
Anne Neville Birth: 1408 44 39 Death: 1480 |
Family with Margeret Beaufort |
himself |
Henry Stafford Birth: about 1425 22 17 Death: from battle wounds — 1471 |
wife |
Margeret Beaufort Birth: between May 31, 1441 and May 31, 1443 — Bletsoe Castle, Bedfordshire, England Death: June 29, 1509 — London, England |
Marriage: — |
Edmund Tudor + Margeret Beaufort |
wife’s husband |
Edmund Tudor Birth: about 1430 25 28 — Hertfordshire, Egland Death: while imprisoned — November 1, 1456 — Carmarthen |
wife |
Margeret Beaufort Birth: between May 31, 1441 and May 31, 1443 — Bletsoe Castle, Bedfordshire, England Death: June 29, 1509 — London, England |
Marriage: November 1, 1455 — |
15 months step-son |
Henry VII. Tudor of England Birth: posthumous birth — January 28, 1457 27 15 — Pembroke Castle, Pembrokeshire, Wales Death: April 21, 1509 |
Thomas Stanley + Margeret Beaufort |
wife’s husband |
Thomas Stanley Birth: 1434 29 33 Death: 1504 |
wife |
Margeret Beaufort Birth: between May 31, 1441 and May 31, 1443 — Bletsoe Castle, Bedfordshire, England Death: June 29, 1509 — London, England |
Marriage: 1472 — |
John de la Pole + Margeret Beaufort |
wife’s husband |
John de la Pole Birth: September 27, 1442 38 38 Death: between 14 and May 21, 1492 |
wife |
Margeret Beaufort Birth: between May 31, 1441 and May 31, 1443 — Bletsoe Castle, Bedfordshire, England Death: June 29, 1509 — London, England |
Marriage: between 1444 and 1450 — |
Marriage: between 1450 and 1453 — |