Edward IV of EnglandAge: 40 years1442–1483
- Name
- Edward IV of England
Birth | April 28, 1442 30 26 |
Birth of a sister | Elizabeth of York April 22, 1444 (Age 23 months) |
Birth of a sister | Margaret of York May 3, 1446 (Age 4 years) |
Birth of a brother | George of York October 21, 1449 (Age 7 years) |
Birth of a brother | Richard III. of England 1452 (Age 9 years) |
Death of a father | Richard of York December 30, 1460 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a sister | Anne of York January 14, 1476 (Age 33 years) |
Death of a brother | George of York February 18, 1478 (Age 35 years) |
Death | April 9, 1483 (Age 40 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Richard of York Birth: September 21, 1411 26 23 Death: in battle, beheaded — December 30, 1460 — Sandal castle, West Yorkshire, England |
mother |
Cecily Neville Birth: May 3, 1415 51 46 — Raby Castle, Durham Death: May 31, 1495 |
Marriage: 1424 — |
20 years younger sister |
Elizabeth of York Birth: April 22, 1444 32 28 Death: 1503 |
-5 years elder sister |
Anne of York Birth: August 10, 1439 27 24 Death: January 14, 1476 |
3 years himself |
Edward IV of England Birth: April 28, 1442 30 26 Death: April 9, 1483 |
4 years younger sister |
Margaret of York Birth: May 3, 1446 34 31 Death: November 23, 1503 |
4 years younger brother |
George of York Birth: October 21, 1449 38 34 Death: February 18, 1478 |
3 years younger brother |
Richard III. of England Birth: 1452 40 36 Death: 1485 |
Family with Elizabeth Woodville |
himself |
Edward IV of England Birth: April 28, 1442 30 26 Death: April 9, 1483 |
wife |
Elizabeth Woodville Birth: about 1437 32 22 Death: June 8, 1492 |
John Grey + Elizabeth Woodville |
wife’s husband |
John Grey Birth: 1432 Death: in battle — February 17, 1461 — St Albans |
wife |
Elizabeth Woodville Birth: about 1437 32 22 Death: June 8, 1492 |
Marriage: — |
step-son |
Thomas Grey Birth: 1455 23 18 |
3 years step-son |
Richard Grey Birth: 1457 25 20 Death: beheaded — 1483 |