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Interactive tree of Crínán of Dunkeld

Matilda of Scotland 11021167
Heinrich V. Salier HRR 10811125
Geoffroy V. Plantagenet d'Anjou 11131151
William Adelin of England 11041120
Mathilda of Scotland 10751116
Henry I. Beauclerc of England 10681135
Henry of Scotland 11141152
Ada de Warenne 1114
David I. of Scotland 10801153
Maud of Huntington 1089
Mary of Scotland 10761118
Eustatius III. de Boulogne 10501125
Alexander of Scotland 10781124
Edgar of Scotland 10741107
Duncan II. of Scotland 10601094
Malcom III. longneck of Scotland 10311093
Margaret of Scotland 10451093
Ingeborg Arneson 10381058
Donald III. of Scotland 10321099
Duncan of Scotland 10061040
Crínán of Dunkeld 981
n ooCoD 981
Malcolm II. of Scotland 956