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Interactive tree of Ælfgifu of York

Edgar II. of England 10511125
Mathilda of Scotland 10751116
Henry I. Beauclerc of England 10681135
David I. of Scotland 10801153
Maud of Huntington 1089
Mary of Scotland 10761118
Eustatius III. de Boulogne 10501125
Alexander of Scotland 10781124
Edgar of Scotland 10741107
Margaret of Scotland 10451093
William I. the conqueror 10271087
Malcom III. longneck of Scotland 10311093
Eduard Ætheling 10161057
Edmund Ætheling 10151046
Edmund Ironside of England 9901016
Ealdgyth n 990
Ælfgifu of York 9701002
Æthelred II. the unready of England 9661016
Thored of Northumbria 945
Edgar the Peaceful of England 943975
Edmund I. the Elder of England 920946
Edward the Elder of England 871934
Ælfflæd of Bernicia 878920
Ecgwynn 874901
Eadgifu of Kent 895966
Alfred the Great of England 849899
Ealhswith of Mercia 852905
Ethelhelm of Bernicia 845
Ealswyth of Kent 840
Sigehelm of Kent 870902