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Interactive tree of Alexander of Scotland

Alexander of Scotland 10781124
Malcom III. longneck of Scotland 10311093
Margaret of Scotland 10451093
Ingeborg Arneson 10381058
Duncan of Scotland 10061040
Crínán of Dunkeld 981
n ooCoD 981
Malcolm II. of Scotland 956
Eduard Ætheling 10161057
Agathe of Hungary 10161070
Edmund Ironside of England 9901016
Ealdgyth n 990
Æthelred II. the unready of England 9661016
Ælfgifu of York 9701002
Emma de Normandie 9776
Stephan I. of Hungary 9691038
Gisela von Bayern 9841060
Heinrich II. der Zänker von Bayern 951995
Gisèle de Bourgogne 9551007
Finn Arnesson 10131065
Bergljót Halvdansdóttir 1013
Árni Arnmódsson 988
Þora Þorsteinsdóttir 988
Thorstein Gallows 963
Halfdan Sigurðsson 987