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Interactive tree of Sophia Doukas

Manuel I. Komnenos 11201180
Maria van Antiochië 1125
Johannes II. Komnenos 10871143
John Doukas of Byzantium 11251200
Theodora Comnene 10961136
Constantine Angelos of Byzantium 1091116
Alexios I. Komnenos 10561118
Irene Doukaina 1071
Johannes Komnenos 10151067
Anna Dalassene 10251101
Isaäk I. Komnenos 10151067
Catherine of Bulgaria 10151059
Sophia Doukas 996
Manuel Erotikos Komnenos 9551020
Andronikos Doukas 976
Eudokia n 976
Constantine II. of Byzantium 9601028
Helena Alypia 960
Romanos II. of Byzantium 938963
Theophano Anastaso 941978
Constantin Porphyrogénète VII. of Byzantium 905959
Helena Lekapenos 910961
Craterus 916
Alypius 935